Deep tillage Model Design15industrial machinery Model sandbox set
Design Exhibitionshowcase pioneers of cross-borderintegration solutions
VIP Project Line:13816505350
Shanghai Evergrande Riverside Washington

Project name: Shanghai Evergrande Riverside Washington

Building model is not only a part of the designer design process, but also belongs to a form of design, which is widely used in urban planning and construction, commercial housing sales, real estate development, design bidding and investment cooperation. Building models are often combined with architectural rendering and are the two design stages that are more closely connected. Building rendering and other related post-production on the basis of a very good building model, not only can make the designer's work efficiency greatly improved, but also the design of the work, the building model and rendering in the appropriate proportion and form of the combination, can be favored by customers, reflecting the building model production of deep skills

上一篇:Shanghai central model model

下一篇:Rongrun Kirin House


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